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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2022-043)- Some constructions from graded geometry

发表于: 2022-11-28   点击: 

报告题目:Some constructions from graded geometry

报 告 人:Vladimir Salnikov

所在单位:CNRS / La Rochelle University

报告时间:2022年12月1日 15:30-17:30

报告地点:Zoom ID:862 062 0549,Password:2022


报告摘要:In this talk I introduce some natural constructions from the "graded world", paying particular attention to the differences between N- and Z- graded manifolds. I will start by the construction of the sheaf of functions on graded manifolds and describe its structure. The intrinsic properties of this functional space are conveniently given using the language of filtrations, allowing to formulate the analog of Batchelor’s theorem. Afterwards I will briefly introduce graded Hopf algebras and Harish-Chandra pairs, which in turn provide the result of equivalence of categories between graded Lie groups and algebras. These constructions are then used to solve the integration problem of differential graded Lie algebras to differential graded Lie groups. Time permitting, I will also say a few words on canonical forms of differential graded manifolds.

报告人简介:Vladimir Salnikov is a researcher at CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), La Rochelle University, France. His scientific interests are graded and generalized geometry, dynamical systems, applications to mechanics and theoretical physics.