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Sino-Russian Mathematics Center-JLU Colloquium(2022-007)- Boson-Fermion Correspondence and Its Applications to Integrable Hierarchies Revisited From The Point of View of Representation Theory and Random Walks

发表于: 2022-04-06   点击: 

报告题目:Boson-Fermion Correspondence and Its Applications to Integrable Hierarchies Revisited From The Point of View of Representation Theory and Random Walks

报 告 人:周坚(清华大学)

报告时间:2022年04月15日 10:00-12:00



报告摘要: We revisit the boson-fermion correspondence and its applications to integrable hierarchies via representation theory of symmetric groups. This makes it natural to consider random walks on various diagrams and graphs related to symmetric groups. Random partitions, hypergeometric tau-functions and weighted Hurwitz numbers are then brought together under a unified probabilistic treatment, rooted in their connections to the fermionic Fock space. Various approaches to the representation theory of symmetric groups all turn out to be useful in this treatment. They include: the new approach of Okounkov and Vershik, the Hopf algebra approach of Zelevinsky, and the lambda-ring approach of Knutson. A connection to the interpolating statistics in the study of fractional quantum Hall effect will also be explained.
